5 Beneficial Reasons for Tooth Extraction
June 20, 2024

It’s probably pretty safe to say that nobody wants to have their teeth removed, especially not adult teeth. But sometimes, while it’s not our preference, extraction is more beneficial than keeping a tooth in place. While there are certainly drawbacks to removal, here are a few important ways that it can actually be beneficial to have a tooth removed.
It’s Painful
If you have a tooth with a severe infection, it can be very painful. This is because the infection affects the sensitive nerves and vessels of the tooth. Sometimes tooth infections can be corrected with a root canal, but in other cases this may not be possible. In those instances, a tooth extraction will remove the infected tooth and prevent the infection from spreading to your healthy teeth.
It’s Impacted
Wisdom teeth start emerging in the teen years, but in many cases, they could be entering a mouth with a full set of adult teeth. This can be dangerous for your healthy teeth, because an impacted wisdom tooth can damage them or create space issues that could affect your bite and alignment. For this reason, your dentist may recommend having your wisdom teeth removed.
It’s Irreparable
If you have accidentally injured your tooth by falling, playing sports, or by any other means, there is always a possibility it can be repaired. In the instance it cannot, however, it could be better to have the tooth removed so it does not become infected or injure you further with a jagged edge.
It Won’t Budge
Your baby teeth generally emerge and fall out within a pretty predictable schedule, beginning at about 9 months of age and stopping at around 12 to 14 years of age. Sometimes, however, they don’t want to budge. In these cases, it can be difficult for your adult teeth to emerge, causing pain and crowding in your mouth. If you have a baby tooth that won’t fall out on its own, your dentist may recommend extracting it to allow for your adult teeth to grow in properly.
It Helps Your Alignment
For some orthodontic treatments it may be necessary to remove one or more teeth to make room for the rest of the teeth to move into proper alignment. Pulling these otherwise healthy teeth may seem dramatic, but in the end, it will benefit your smile by making it more even and comfortable.
Remember, while having a tooth removed isn’t usually at the top of anyone’s bucket list, it is sometimes necessary to alleviate pain, crowding, or infection that could cause damage to nearby healthy teeth. If you have been recommended a tooth extraction, you can rest assured that your dentist has considered every other option and has determined that removal is the best recommendation for your individual mouth.
About Our Practice
At Souris Valley Dental Group, we’ve been protecting teeth and gums since 1968. We offer a full suite of dental services under one roof, and we’ve got generations of beautiful smiles to prove it. That’s probably why we’ve been voted Minot’s #1 Dental Office by happy patients just like you!
To schedule a tooth extraction, please visit our website or call us today at 701-852-5595.
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